Monday, January 19, 2009

It shall all begin tomorrow

First, I feel the need to disclose that I have no misconceptions of this being a terribly original idea.  I absolutely stole the idea from Marc Acito, who I heard on the radio and I'm guessing he stole the idea from Ross Gellar, but I'm okay with that.

I turned thirty last year.  I'm still recovering.  It just seemed like yesterday I was 22 and living in Vermont with no responsibilities.  Our rent was $550 a month, our utilities around $100 a month and those were our only bills.  We came and went as we pleased, we bought whatever we wanted, we took weekend trips whenever we felt compelled and then in a blink of an eye I was 30.  I had a mortgage, a car payment, a 4 year old girl, a 6 week old boy, turned off the lights every time I left the room, looked for sales and couldn't tell you the last time I went away for a weekend just because I felt like I needed it.  And trust me, I need it.

This is no pity party!  Don't be confused!  I have an amazing life.  Even on  my worst days, I know I'm blessed.  My husband is thoughtful, patient and loving.  My kids are curious, compassionate and clever and my dog is loyal.  My house is warm, my parents are supportive and my friends are like butter cream frosting.

Like everyone else, I've just become a creature of habit.  I rarely challenge myself just to expand my comfort zone and I could use a little shot of invigoration.  So I start this journey tomorrow.  Inauguration Day.  Every day, for a year, I will do something new.  I'm open to ideas, so please share whatever you think might inspire me!

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