Sunday, February 1, 2009

Day 12

Today is Susan's wedding.  I'm so happy for her, but I'm also wise enough to not create a scene on someone else's day.  

It just so happened that the "reverend" joined us for a drink in the lounge after the festivities, which presented itself an opportunity.

On Day 12 I had my Lemon Drop blessed by a holy man.  It must have worked, because I'm certain that it brought me closer to God.

Day 11

Today I tempted fate and jaywalked out in front of a cop car because I had a homeless man tell me that I should never jaywalk as I'll be busted with a $170 dollar ticket while we were standing together at a crosswalk.  I told him I've never seen anyone get busted for jaywalking and he said it was because I wasn't homeless because he and his friends get popped all of the time.

I did not get a ticket.  Thank goodness.  It's clearly because I appeared to be an upstanding citizen.

Day 10

So, I've mentioned how unoriginal my idea is right?  The guy that specifically inspired me to do this challenge is self-employed, working from home as a writer and he has no kids.  Which leads me to explain what my biggest difficulty with the ONTAD Project has been, just plain finding the time.  I have a 9-5, I have a second job, I have two kids, and I have a ridiculous commute.

I started this project in part to revitalize my day to day.  I was starting to feel like I did the same thing every day and just wasn't fitting new things in.  I think I'm starting to realize that I'm just at a point in my life when the day to day is what it's all about.  It's about working for a promotion and reading to my kids at night.  Maybe I shouldn't feel as bad as I do that my days all seem mostly the same, because my days are pretty awesome, so it seems like a silly thing to complain about; that my awesome days happen over and over.

Having said that, I've realized that I need to find more new things that can happen in the workplace.  I just run out of time to fit new things in.  Let's face it, there's only so much you can do on public transportation that won't result in getting kicked off, which leaves me my work day and my time at home with the kids (one of which is young enough that it's incredibly exhausting to take him places every night just to do something new).

On Day 10, I serenaded Heidi at the copy machine.  I think she felt the love, though I'm fairly certain she also wished she had earplugs.