Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 3

I'm almost complete with Day 3, and I admit that I'm feeling the pressure.  What exactly constitutes a "new thing?"  This project didn't come with a handbook or a player's guide.  Frankly, I'm making this up as I go along.

I think it's important that I don't over think ONTAD.  I mean, some days I'll take on entirely new experiences, and some days newness finds me.  Sometimes I'll track down an activity that might inspire me, and some days I'm just challenging monotony.  Or maybe that's just how I'm excusing Day 3.

On Day 3 I tried to not use my thumbs.

At the risk of sounding like someone who has no grasp on evolution...

These thumb things are critical to everything we do as humans.  At first I thought I just needed to rethink my every task.  It's like the people who spend a day in a wheel chair to better understand the plight of the disabled.  You have to think things through more when you're in a wheelchair, I remember that much very well.

By the time I was half-way through my shower, I realized that it had nothing to do with being able to think out my task and everything to do with the sheer physics of being independent.  It took me a good 4 minutes just to turn the bath water on, and don't get me started on holding bar soap.  I'll never take my thumbs for granted again.

The truth is, what started out as spending a whole day without using my thumbs, quickly turned into considering whether doing something new had to result in success.  I decided it didn't, and called the task off after my shower, because I just don't even know how I would have functioned on the most fundamental basis.  

Sometimes failure teaches you more than success, right?

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